Saturday, June 21, 2008

Selecting Ink Jet Printers by Melanie C

Printers have become an integral part of computers. From postage to photographs, books to blog notes, there are numerous pages of online content that you may want to print.

While you may think printers are printers and all can do the job you need accomplished, there are a variety of styles of inkjet printers and each has different capabilities.

Here's a quick look at what you need to know before you decide which kind of inkjet printers will be best for you:

- Plain Inkjet Printers - Just print a lot of documents? These basic printers can print out a lot of pages of documents, but do not have the quality needed for photographs and other high-quality printings. The bonus is these are cheaper printers to purchase.

- Photo Inkjet Printers - If you like to edit and print out your digital photos, you need to look for printers that will give you quality prints. Photo inkjet printers have been created to have the higher resolution necessary to print beautiful pictures.

- Scanner Copier Inkjet Printers - If you run a business out of your home, this may be the best solution. It is like getting three printers in one. These printers are a little bulkier than regular printers, but in addition to printing things from your computer screen, they also can scan items you need to put into the computer and operate as a regular copier. Many of these printers also have fax capabilities.

- Portable Inkjet Printers - If you are on the move a lot, you may wish you could print out a page here and there from your laptop. Now you can. There are portable inkjet printers that weigh just a few pounds and can be taken with you on the road.

Find printers and web cameras online at

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Author of this article: Melanie C.